About Andrew


From the 2009 Dyeland Census:

    1.  Full name: Andrew.  I don’t have a last name and as everyone knows I really don’t like being called Andy.  Although there are several other nicknames I will answer to.  0;-)
    2.  Date of birth: Did you really expect me to fall for that?  Did Rose write this one?  ::chuckles::
    3.  Place(s) of residence: Heaven and Serendipity, Dyeland City
    4.  Number of individuals residing at primary residence: I’ll just go with Serendipity since I don’t think I have enough time to type up all the numbers for Heaven.  0;-)  Just two in Serendipity.  Lulu and me.
    5.  Pets: Lulu- my basset hound.  She’s 5.  I *can* tell you her age.  0:-)
    6.  Marital status- please check all that apply:
    X  Single, never married

    O Single, divorced
    O Married
    O Single but in a relationship
    X  Angel, definitely not looking
    O Ungether aka in love with Andrew
    (::blushes::  Thanks… although I did not realize that was an official status now.)
    7.  Roles in Dyeland or Sibling City: Child of God, occasional handyman, angel, ice skating and drum teacher, cooking student, AOD Band and Immortals drummer and singer, and, of course, friend.  0:-)
    8.  Median income (please state type of currency): I guess that means what do I get while in Dyeland?  A lot of great times, love, laughter, and a replenished stock of flannel shirts.  Thanks for all of that.  0:-)
    9.  Measurements (need only fill out if you are male and regularly have ladies swooning over you and “borrowing” your clothing items and thus may feel the need to replace clothing items): This isn’t like any other census form I’ve ever seen!  But I guess that means me so…  Umm, I guess either medium or large shirts depending on the style.  I think I’ll just let the Father continue to pick out my pants for me.
    10.  Emergency contact(s): Pray to God.  See Tess or Adam if you need to talk to someone face-to-face.
    11.  Additional comments:  Great idea, ladies.  I hope I answered everything alright.  I don’t think a census form has ever made me blush before.

John's Dove

Please click the dove to read our tribute to the man who brought Andrew to life, John Dye.