Thank you

Hello everyone.

Thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday Wednesday. It really was a happy one and my Dyeland friends had a big hand in making it so. 0:-)

Lady Beth I did read your comments. Rest assured I never ended up in a bed and breakfast. With or with out LJA. That was just her way of trying to get people to participate in JABB 200 (which was a great read by the way). As for the white shirt, I’m afraid I’ll have to keep my source a secret for their protection.

To everyone else I hope you have a great weekend. May be I’ll be able to sneak away for an hour or two and visit Dyeland.

Your friend,


About Andrew

"Share a little biographical information to fill out your profile." That could take a while. I'll come back to this later.
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3 Responses to Thank you

  1. Lady Beth says:

    I think from now on I’m going to have to watch what I say. lol Such information as that could end up in the wrong hands and I could be in more trouble than what I want to be if that does happen. I won’t mention who I could be in trouble with but let’s just say that if a certain member of the male species were to hear that, well……………let’s just say I wouldn’t be able to show my face around him anymore.

  2. Lady Beth says:

    Oh yes, you’re quite welcome about the party.

  3. Jarrod says:

    Glad you had a good birthday Andrew. BTW, when are you coming back?

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