
Dear Father,

I guess I’ve gotten too used to emails.  It started to seem odd typing to no one in particular.  So I decided I’d write You on this blog.

I’ve done a lot of thinking since the last time I wrote here.

The week leading up to Valentine’s Day made me realize even more how much Dyeland has come to mean to me.  I loved having a chance to talk with so many of my friends about such a great topic: love.

Of course, there was the forged letter (not) from Laja.  I think it made me aware of more things than I realized at first.  I felt hurt when I read it and I know no one would be surprised by that.  But there was another feeling that did surprise me.  I don’t know how to explain it.  I felt like something I had counted on was snatched away.  That’s when I realized how much I’ve been depending on my friends.  It felt like those last few days with Monica but… more.  Things were changing and I didn’t like it and I wondered what would be taken away next.  Part of me wanted to go Home because You never change and I know You always love us.  But another part of me wanted to stay in Dyeland then more than ever to enjoy whatever time I have with Rose and Yva and Lady Beth and Countess Jennifer, Adam, Henry, Tess, Willy, Nigel, and everyone else.  So I did.  Rose and Yva made me feel better.  So did interviewing the next few people, even if they didn’t know what was going on.  Then Laja came back and with the story about Eli and Sophia.  So now everything is great.  At least I hope it is.  Everyone seems happy.  But I feel different.  Good but different.

But since You have me starting a shift at 4:00 AM I should get some rest.  0;-)

I’ll talk to You again soon.



About Andrew

"Share a little biographical information to fill out your profile." That could take a while. I'll come back to this later.
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