
I told Tess I’d take some time to think about that week.  So many people have offered to listen to me but as of yet I haven’t known what to say.

Watching someone die… violently and painfully… it’s never easy.  And when it’s by the hand of someone they love?  It’s unbearable.   Even knowing Dawn’s in Heaven and knowing her mother has found some peace, those memories still replay in my mind at times.  But I can feel the Father’s peace and love and that always pulls me back.  And my friends pull me back.

Seeing Monica again was good.  But it made me think, too.  I miss working with her and Tess.  I miss the closeness we shared.  I miss discussing our assignments and sneaking in cups of coffee or frappuccinos.  Mostly I miss the company.  I’ve always known God is always with me but during that assignment in Missouri I realized that I don’t work alone.  I still work with other people.  Laja was right when she said that, after they’ve gone Home, they’ll still be in my heart.  But she projected it too far into the future.  They’re already there.   No, not in the same way as Monica and Tess used to be.  But they are there.

About Andrew

"Share a little biographical information to fill out your profile." That could take a while. I'll come back to this later.
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